Trevor Jones, Musician and Composer
Trevor is a composer of orchestral, chamber music and operas, as well as being a
singing teacher. Between 1998 and 2006 Trevor lived at 29 Garrison Close, Mount
Wise. At time of writing (2012) he is musical director of the Phoenix Community
Touring Opera company (PCTO) - further information is avialable from the PCTO website.
During 2003 Trevor produced a community newsletter and shortly before that wrote
the poem below, published here for the first time. The Redoubt that Trevor mentions
is but 100 metres from where he once lived and he strolled there quite often. The Hamoaze could
be seen from the upstairs windows of Garrison Close, so the light thrown up from
the river, onto the hillsides of Mount wise and bathing the Redoubt, would have
been a daily vista for him. (Within a one-minute
walk from Garrison Close is one of England's most stunning views i.e. the Hamoaze
as it leaves the River Tamar and enters Plymouth Sound, with the hills of Mount
Edgcumbe as a backdrop). Trevor's poem reflects, probably, what every person feels
when they stand upon the hillside that is Mount Wise.
Peninsula of Light
Trevor Jones. 2002
High above Mount Wise on the renovated redoubt
a special light appears. Like a pearldrop from the spheres,
hanging over the heartland, across the western landscape,
obliquely to the Celtic land.
Its healing rays soothe the soul and gives new life.
It calms the fearsome demons.
Reflecting from the Hamoaze that radiant light engulfs you
as you stand. Penetrating the fabric of existence,
casting new colours, inventing new reason,
giving new birth, new hope.

Trevor with his son in the doorway of their home at Garrison Close, Mount Wise, in February 2003.
(page added March 2012)