
Chapter 3 - The Present

Ch. 3 Contents
1. Devonport Profile
2. Existing and Planned Initiatives
3. Strategic Linkages

1. Devonport Profile

This section outlines the 'baseline position' in Devonport, together with an analysis of the gaps which exist between Plymouth and Devonport and the national position. The 'baseline' is derived from two sources. Full details are attached at Appendix A:-

Secondary Indicators- collected from service deliverers; for example, Plymouth City Council was able to provide small area statistics relating to the 1991 Census and South & West Devon Health Authority provided core health statistics.

Resident & Business Survey -surveys were undertaken by Plymouth College of Further Education (PCFE) to gauge attitudes, measure other indicators for the neighbourhood, and enable a comparison to be made with the situation in Plymouth and nationally.

A detailed sample survey interviewed 400 households, ie. 15% of NDC households. Secondly, a much shorter perceptions questionnaire was distributed to every household in the NDC area with a response rate of 50%. Residents' perceptions were gained at a series of social and consultation events held around the NDC area. Further telephone surveys were also undertaken with the business community which produced a response rate of approximately 50%.

The Household and Business Surveys were designed by the Devonport People's Dreams Steering Group. Under guidance and training from PCFE, 7 local residents took part in data collection and inputting. Residents who took part in the surveys thoroughly enjoyed the experience and a number have gone on to find full-time employment helped by this work experience and training.

Baseline Description
Each indicator for Devonport highlights the extent of issues facing our community. In themselves they paint a picture of significant deprivation in the area. The real issue in Devonport is not a single indicator on its own but the cumulative effects of several indicators impacting on residents. For example, in many cases poor educational attainment, poverty, poor housing, poor health and lack of involvement combine in the same household. There is a cycle of deprivation in Devonport which must be reversed through an integrated approach if we are to make a lasting difference.

This section provides a detailed account of activities and opportunities which exist in Devonport and the surrounding area. It is envisaged that within Devonport all partners will commit themselves to using mainstream funding and where appropriate reshaping mainstream services to achieve NDC outcomes .


A high level of Worklessness
At 3.3%, the number of self-employed is less than half Plymouth and national rates.

A Low Skills Base · 30% of Devonport adults have gained NVQ Level 3 qualifications, compared to 42.2% nationally

High levels of poverty
The percentage of children living in households receiving Income Support and Family Credit/Working Families Tax Credit is double the national rate, and the proportion of households on Income Support is over double the national figure.
The latest Child Poverty Index (which forms part of the Index Of Local Deprivation) rated St Peter ward 45th out of 8414 wards in England

Barriers to Work and Learning
  • 50% of respondents identified lack of training as a major barrier
  • 53% of respondents perceived that there was not enough flexible working to fit family commitments
  • 49% of respondents believe there is not enough affordable childcare provision in the area
  • Local people perceive the bus to be inadequate in terms of frequency and destinations particularly to areas of the city with greater job opportunities.
  • Business Issues
  • There are approximately 120 businesses in the NDC area, occupying 7,500 m of floorspace.
  • 50% of businesses are in the retail and service sector and 7.2% are in manufacturing. 13% of retail units are vacant compared to 7% for the city as a whole. This is a reflection of the declining spending power of the area.
  • 14.7% of businesses are considering moving out of the NDC area. The most common reasons for leaving included: needing to find larger premises and wishing to move to a better neighbourhood.
  • 50% of local firms indicated that they do not employ any of their staff from the NDC area citing lack of local skills as a major barrier.
  • Education>
    Low Attainment Levels
    In 2000 the proportion of pupils attaining Level 2 or above at Key Stage 1 or above was 64.5% for Mount Wise Primary and Marlborough Primary compared to 82% for Plymouth and 84% nationally

    Attendance Levels
    In 2000, the authorised absence rate at Parkside School was 12.26% compared to 7.02% for Plymouth schools and 7.9% nationally.

    The need to raise expectations
  • 45% of Devonport pupils continue in education compared to 72% for Plymouth
  • 17% of school-leavers immediately register as unemployed compared to 7% for Plymouth
  • Housing and Physical Environment
  • Lack of Housing Choice
  • Owner-occupied or private-rented housing accounts for 16% of housing tenure compared to 60% in Plymouth and 67.3% nationally.
  • At £41,000 average house prices in the NDC neighbourhood are significantly lower than Plymouth at 68,000 and nationally at £104,000
  • Links to poor health and crime
  • 15.3% of respondents identified antisocial neighbours as a serious problem n the area and 22.7% of residents claimed this problem had got worse over the last 2 years.
  • Respondents also identified vacant and derelict property and vandalism as a particularly serious problem.
  • Asthma was the most commonly reported ailment. Asthma is often attributed to poor housing conditions particularly dampness: 11% of respondents indicated that their property had damp walls.
  • Residents perceptions of Services
  • Nearly a quarter of respondents stated that their accommodation did not meet their needs with 42% stating that they require larger accommodation.
  • 16.3% of respondents claimed their accommodation was either in a fairly poor or very poor state of repair.
  • Health
  • 35% of respondents do not use a dentist citing lack of NHS provision as a major reason.
  • 58% of respondents indicated that they would like to see a Sports Centre built in their area.
  • 30% of respondents claimed that local parks were poor and a further 13.5% stated they have never used the parks.
  • 72.9% of respondents stated that there was a lack of safe play places nearby for younger children.
  • Crime
  • More Bobbies on the beat is a top priority to improving the area.
  • Schools
  • Residents are concerned with the poor performance and general behaviour of pupils attending Parkside School
  • Physical Environment
  • 10% of respondents felt some form of stress due to their physical environment with litter and dog mess cited as particular problems
  • 42% of respondents feel rubbish and litter is serious problem in the area compared to 22% of people living in Plymouth who think rubbish is a problem.
  • Health & Community Safety
    Standard of health well below local and national norms
  • The proportion of babies born with low birth weight is considerably higher in Devonport than either Plymouth or England.
  • The conception rate for women under 20 in Devonport is 130 births per 1000, which is double the city average.
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • 60% of respondents have felt under stress over the last 12 months with the most common causes being money worries and the fear of crime.
  • High rate of crime and a higher level of fear of crime
  • In 1999/2000 there were 177 (25.2 per 1000 people) notified incidents of a domestic nature, of which a significant proportion were of domestic violence. In comparison, Plymouth had 3176 incidents (12.7 per 1000 people).
  • Nearly 40% of respondents indicated they had been a victim of crime over the last 5 years.
  • 50% of respondents were afraid to walk around their area after dark.
  • Nearly 40% of business respondents believe crime is a serious problem in the area and 50% believe the problem has got worse over the last two years.
  • Concerns about drugs
  • The number of drug offences committed in the NDC neighbourhood is double Plymouth and national rates.
  • Drug notifications in St Peter ward are nearly double city levels.
  • Over 50% of respondents perceive that the problem of drugs has got worse over the last two years
  • 75% of respondents gave drug prevention projects top priority for making improvements in the NDC neighbourhood.
  • Unreported crime
  • One quarter of all crimes in the NDC area is not reported. Domestic violence is significantly under-reported both nationally and locally
  • Nearly 50% of respondents did not have household insurance, which may have additional influence on reporting rates.
  • Young People
    A young population
  • In 1991 , the percentage of the N DC population who were under 16 was 27.4% compared to 20.2% for Plymouth and 20.5% nationally. The Household Survey indicates that this trend remains, with nearly 30% of the population currently under 16.
  • Problems for Young People
  • 66% of respondents identified the poor behaviour of other children as a major barrier to bringing up children.
  • Improvements
  • 71% of respondents indicated that more community policing working with young people was very important
  • 73% of respondents (the top response) believed that better facilities for children and teenagers was a top priority for improving the NDC area.
  • Community Involvement
    Fewer people involved in the Community
    The turnout at the last local election was significantly lower for Devonport than Plymouth or national levels.

    Vulnerable groups
    47% of elderly people live on their own in Devonport compared to 30% for Plymouth . Nearly all the respondents from Black and Ethnic Minority Groups identified racial harassment as a serious problem in the NDC area. Over 25% of respondents claimed they had no family or friends whom they could turn to in times of a crisis compared to 4% at city level. 2.5% of respondents identified domestic violence as a crime committed against themselves

    2. Existing and Planned Initiatives

    Employment Initiatives

    For unemployed people the route back into work often starts with the Employment Service (ES). The ES is committed to improving job prospects of disadvantaged people in Inner City areas. The ES offers a range of services to employers and clients at no charge. ES also offers a range of Welfare to Work programmes including New Deal. ES services in Plymouth are predominantly offered through job centres, none of which are located in the NDC area. ES does, however, conduct a number of outreach activities in the NDC area. They include; provision of equipment and staff to the Routeways Centre, outreach vacancy displays in the library and community centres and the secondment of an ES employee who visits our NDC shop in Marlborough Street weekly.

    Future proposals include replacement of vacancy displays with touch screen kiosks. A kiosk could be available in the NDC area and there will also be access to a learning bank by 2001.

    ES often refer their clients to a range of employment and training organisations including:-

    A. Employment Zone
    Employment Zone is run by Working Links, a limited company owned by the Employment Service, Manpower and Cap Gemini/Ernst & Young. Funding is linked to outcomes -placing 1200 long-term unemployed drawn from across the city into sustainable employment. To finance the project the Department of Education and Employment redeploys Employment Service 'savings' - approximately £5,000 per person. The Employment Zone is a city-wide initiative which has no particular focus on the NDC area. The Employment Zone has a two year remit and is due to end in 2001 .

    B. Action Team for Jobs -
    This team has just been set up and has approximately £0.5 million to spend assisting 'hard to reach groups', particularly those who experience mental ill-health, back to work. The initiative focuses on the most deprived wards in Plymouth including St Peter ward which forms part of the NDC area. Action Team for Jobs currently has an outreach worker in the NDC area contacting suitable clients. In addition, Action Team for Jobs are also assisting micro- businesses on a range of issues including employment requirements.

    C. Plymouth City Council- City of Plymouth Training & Employment (COPTE)

    COPTE operates Employment Service and PROSPER funded mainstream training programmes, including New Deal for 18 to 24 year olds and a selectionof Intermediate Labour Market schemes. COPTE services are used in the NDC area to assist long-term unemployed back to work. COPTE has a training centre, Piquet Barracks, situated in the NDC area.

    D. Tomorrow's People
    Tomorrow's People is a national charity which acts an intermediary between business and the individual. Tomorrow's People currently operate a project called Workroute in the NDC area. Workroute is a SRB funded project, which provides community-based job/training advice and placement for clients. Workroute operates from a shop in George St, Mount Wise.

    Tomorrow's People are in the process of introducing New Steps: a scheme which will run over the next 3 years to engage young local people in tackling local challenges which benefit the community. Potential funding could be £706,356 from Millennium awards.

    E. Routeways Centre Ltd
    The Routeways Centre Ltd provides employment advice through its project Routeways into Work. The project assists local unemployed people by matching skills with suitable training opportunities. Funding for the projects comes from a variety of sources including European, Lottery and SRB. Projects are managed from the Routeways Centre, which is situated in the NDC area in Chapel Street.

    Business Support & Training
    PROSPER is the skills and economic development agency for Devon and Cornwall. It fulfils the role of furthering the economic prosperity of Devon and Cornwall and as part of that strategic role provides two main services -a portfolio of quality programmes to support businesses and another range to meet the training and development of individuals. The services to business customers are available under the Business Link brand while the support services for adults and young people are branded Individual Solutions.

    Individual Solutions service includes the management of programmes aimed at increasing the skills of individuals such as the Modern Apprenticeship Programme, National Traineeships and Options for Learning.

    Business Link Service includes the provision of advice through Personal Business Advisors, mentoring and through supported consultancy schemes including international trade, Investors in People and Individual Learning Accounts.

    PROSPER does not deliver separate, distinct services or programmes to the NDC area since the majority of services are provided across Devon and Cornwall. However, PROSPER operates a number of European and Single Regeneration Budget programmes which are available within the NDC area.

    In 2001 the local Learning & Skills Council will supersede TECs and take on the responsibility for training and skills development across Devon & Cornwall. At the same time the new Business Link contracts funded by the Small Business Service will replace the existing Business Link provision from the DTI. PROSPER has been successful in its bid to the Small Business Service and will continue to be responsible for the delivery of business support and advice in Devon & Cornwall under the new Business Link contract.

    Benefits account for the largest expenditure of public money in the N DC area. However, evidence suggests that benefit is under claimed. In particular, Working Family Tax Credits which was introduced in 1999 to give working parents a 'top-up' to their pay.

    The Benefits Agency currently has no office in the NDC area. A member of the Benefits Agency Team has been seconded to the NDC shop to assist with NDC and give benefit advice to the community. They are also encouraging benefit take-up, by holding surgeries with community groups and making home visits to the elderly. Plymouth City Council administers Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit from the Civic Centre which is based in the City Centre. It is envisaged that benefits advice will be de-centralised with the introduction of a Community Resource and Advice Centre.

    The Citizens Advice Bureau, based at Devonport Guildhall currently has 4 paid staff and 12 advice volunteers. Their workload is currently 3000 clients a year many of whom live locally. 38% of inquiries are money advice with a further 38% on benefit inquiries.

    Communities Against Poverty (CAP)
    has a long history of working on poverty issues alongside local people. Its long-term strategy is to engage local people in developing their skills and experience to take on this work themselves. In particular, CAP is developing a team of local community advice workers. Anti Poverty services are developed according to identified need and local demand.

    Careers Advice
    Cornwall & Devon Careers is an independent organisation delivering careers service under contract from the Department of Education and Employment. The organisation provides the following services in the NDC area:-

    Providing a Careers Adviser at Parkside School carrying out 1: 1 and group work. Follow up advice and placing work with 16-17 year olds who live in the area Learning Gateway support to disaffected 16-17 year olds Local Information Advice and Guidance (LIAG) New Deal Gateway for 18-24 year olds, under contract to the Employment Service

    Cornwall and Devon Careers will deliver the Governments new Connexions Strategy, which aims to support young people from 13 to 19 as they move form adolescence to adulthood. The strategy has set targets in a range of areas including school participation, academic attainment, drug reduction, youth offending and teenage pregnancy. Cornwall and Devon Careers currently have no specific remit in the NDC area however the organisation is a committed partner of the NDC in Devonport.

    Employment Opportunities and Potential in Devonport and the Surrounding Area
    Increasing skills and changing attitudes
    There is potential within our area to develop a well-skilled workforce that contributes to the local economy. However, there are significant barriers to overcome if that potential is to be realised. Much of the unemployed population would need up-skilling accompanied by a supported route into work: 33.6% of adults in the household survey had no formal qualifications. The fact that there are skills shortages in Plymouth indicates there is potential to recruit local people. But NDC residents need to be skilled, experienced and highly adaptable.

    Economic growth
    There is potential for Devonport to benefit from the South West Regional Development Agency's regional strategy which includes an emphasis on technology and innovation, an adaptable and skilled workforce, where customer needs are met and where businesses and individuals capitalise on the creative use of the environment to deliver competitive advantage. As a major economic hub in the South West, Plymouth will playa key role in taking forward the SW RDA:s vision for the future of the region.

    Key opportunities include:
    Urban Framework Plan- the Urban Framework Plan identifies substantial employment and training opportunities in the NDC area, which include;
    -sites for employment generation
    -a Community Economic Development Trust
    -training through locally established agencies
    -an intermediate labour market
    -start-up workspaces and workshops
    -construction and service jobs in the NDC area

    South Yard
    Lands in South Yard are under the ownership of the Ministry of Defence and are key to the future of Devonport. The Urban Framework Plan aims to identify sites, which may in the future become available in order to diversify the current land-uses. Possible future uses would focus Ion those generating wealth creation, employment and commerce which benefit the whole community of Devonport. Plymouth's overall standing as a visitor centre will be significantly enhanced when these potential opportunities within South Yard are realised.

    Business & Industrial Development
    ln recent years PCC has released a number of sites in inner city areas in order to stimulate greater levels of community economic development. This has been fostered through initiatives like the Wolseley Community Economic Development Trust(WCEDT) and Millfields Community Economic Development Trust ; (MCEDT). The two CEDT's manage Business Parks situated to the West and East of the NDC area providing job opportunities and business , location opportunities which benefit the area. Additional opportunities are being created at managed industrial units at the City Business Park, situated close to the NDC area, and the Riverside Business Park situated in the NDC area. Future potential exists with the development of Seaton Barracks as a Business Park. Seaton Barracks is situated in the north of the City.

    Devonport Dockyard
    Despite declining numbers in the workforce, Devonport Dockyard is still the largest employer in Plymouth. Devonport Management Limited (DML), the company that operates the Dockyard, pays just over £100 million in wages. The company has a policy of buying locally, which amounts to £7 million in goods and services annually, spread between about 400 local companies. In the current redevelopment of the Dockyard all contractors are required to seek tenders from local companies and it is estimated that about £50 million will be spent locally between 1997 to 2004.

    Inward Investment
    Plymouth has benefited from a number of large employers locating in the City. Over the last two years On Digital and Orange have both opened Call Centres in the City and are continuing to recruit staff. JDS Uniphase has recently opened a plant in Plymouth and are planning to recruit approximately 1000 extra staff-

    City Centre
    The City Centre plays a key role in the economy of the City, being important as a shopping, commercial, tourist, leisure and cultural centre. Future proposals for a large covered shopping area will provide major job opportunities for the people of Devonport

    Further/Higher Education
    There are two colleges of further education in Plymouth: Plymouth College of Further Education (PCFE) and Plymouth College of Art and Design. In addition, there are 8 community colleges and 2 neighbourhood colleges. The colleges offer a variety of post 16 vocational and 'A' level courses. None are located in the NDC neighbourhood.

    Within the area, Granby Island Community Centre (GICC)) offers a range of Basic Computer Skills courses. GICC has recently secured funding from the Department of Employment and Education for the further development of its ICT facilities. It has also been decided to expand the project into Mount Wise Neighbourhood Centre and community centres in Key ham, Barne Barton and Honicknowle. Plymouth College of Further Education offers community based learning opportunities at Mount Wise Neighbourhood Centre and GICC. In addition, Plymouth College of Art & Design deliver taster sessions at GICC. Welcome Hall have recently introduced 'English as a Second Language' courses for refugees. The classes are run by PCFE and are offered to refugees from across the City.

    There are approximately 200 nursery places in the NDC area located at Mount Wise Primary School, Marlborough Primary School, Welcome Hall, GICC and the Rainbow Project. There is only one registered childminder located in the NDC area with most childminding taking place through extended family networks. The Routeways Children's Information Service, located in the NDC area, provides access to accurate and up-to date childcare information at a city-wide level. Childcare provision is wholly inadequate to meet current needs in the area. The demographic profile currently indicates that 11.4% or 700 of the population are in the 0-4 age range.

    Parenting skills
    Family learning services are provided in the neighbourhood by a range of service providers. For example, Leander House Family Centre provides two broad services -Family Learning and Family Work. Family Learning involves work on increasing confidence, managing offspring, participation and managing relationships. The programme currently assists 115 Devonport families. Family Work deals with children at risk and victims of domestic violence and includes assessment, rehabilitation and mediation. At Welcome Hall, Parentwise offers advice to parents on a range of health, safety and education issues. The Household Survey and the Consultation Event revealed that local people perceive current provision for parenting skills as totally inadequate.

    Primary Schools
    The NDC area is generally well served with schools. Pupils attend a wide selection of Plymouth's schools, although most attend the three LEA schools and the Catholic school located in the area. Marlborough Primary and Mount Wise Primary receive extra funding from Plymouth Education Action Zone to raise literacy and numeracy standards.

    Secondary Schools
    The majority of secondary school pupils attend Parkside School, which is located in the NDC area. A significant proportion of pupils attend Stoke Dameral Community College which is situated just outside the NDC area. Parkside School has recently attained Technology College status allowing it to develop new vocational courses in design and technology. Post 16 education opportunities are offered at a variety of schools and colleges in closer proximity to the NDC area. These include Plymouth College of Further Education, Tamarside Community College and Stoke Dameral Community College.

    Plymouth Education Action Zone
    The aim of the EAZ is to raise educational achievements in the EAZ area, which incorporates the NDC area. The vision of the Zone is that by 2003, schools in the Zone will be regarded nationally and locally by education and business as centres of achievement The EAZ Office is located in the NDC area and delivers the following services to Mount Wise, Marlborough and Parkside Schools:-
  • Raising literacy standards -raise literacy standards through direct additional support to schools in primary and secondary schools
  • Raising Numeracy Standards - raise numeracy standards through direct additional support to primary and secondary schools
  • Disaffected Pupils - key skills development, prepare for adult life
  • Able and Talented - provide additional programmes for Able and Talented pupils and provision for Summer Schools
  • Early Years - improve language and communication support for classes with 4 year olds
  • University of the First Age - provides a variety of activities to raise self esteem spanning primary and secondary education
  • Music Zone - provides music clubs and workshops to schools in primary and secondary schools
  • Improved Attendance - additional support to make early contact for non-attendees
  • Family Education Workers - involving parents in parenting education and support
  • Education Opportunities and Potential in Devonport and the Surrounding Area
    Improving achievement
    Devonport should not be seen in isolation from the rest of the City -there is scope to increase educational attainment for all pupils. The LEA's strategic framework 'A Vision for Success' promotes a real emphasis on increasing educational attainment for all pupils in Plymouth and especially the lower achieving schools. 2000 exam and test results for 2000/2001 in Plymouth are the best ever.

    Within the NDC area, the Tamar Education Business Partnership provides learning opportunities that link local schools with the whole of the community. The Partnership is also developing a Technology Centre to assist Education Action Zone targets and will be linking closely with the Technology College initiative at Parkside School.

    Housing & the Physical Environment
    PCC operates a decentralised management structure throughout the City.Within the NDC area, there are 2 offices with 20 staff plus caretakers. The structure provides a range of estate management functions through generic teams. The teams will agree local tenant contracts with residents and an Area Forum has been established to act as a vehicle for consultation.

    In recent years, Westcountry Housing Association have developed houses in Mount Wise to replace blocks of flats demolished in the early 1990's.

    Westcountry have also introduced management arrangements involving tenants via the Hamoaze Joint Management Society. Other Registered Social Landlords operating in the area with a mixture of general needs new-build and rehabilitation include Sovereign Housing Association, Sutton Housing Association, The Guinness Trust and Sanctuary Housing Association.

    Devon & Cornwall Housing Association also manages housing in the area and is working in partnership with Plymouth City Council and the SW RDA for the high quality redevelopment of Cornwall Street, Cannon Street and Queen Street. A mixed tenure scheme integrating social housing, shared ownership and owner occupied housing is being developed.

    Managing the Environment
    PCC provides a range of environmental services in the NDC area. For example, Direct Services are responsible primarily for street cleaning, refuse collection and grounds maintenance. Environmental Services provides public health inspectors, trading standards officers and noise and pollution control. Transport services provide parking facilities in the area and oversee traffic management. Planning services oversee development control in Devonport and have carried out community planning studies as part of preparation for the Local Plan.

    Local delivery of services
    The existing management arrangements, which deliver services in the neighbourhood, are largely structured around single agencies. Most are centrally organised, either from Plymouth or a regional structure. Some services such as housing have locally-based delivery and management mechanisms. None of the government agencies have a local base and many council services, such as street cleaning/maintenance, open space/parks maintenance and home care services are organised on a City-wide basis. Inter-agency working and joint planning at the neighbourhood level is generally at an early stage of development.

    Housing Opportunities and potential in the neighbourhood and the surrounding Area Urban Framework Plan
    The Urban Framework Plan identifies potential improvements to the housing stock and the physical environment in the NDC area. One of the main aims of the plan is to improve the housing stock in the area through a programme of renovation and redevelopment. The key improvements include:-
  • Replan and redevelop areas of Pottery Quay, Ker Street, Mount Street, James Street, Duke Street and Granby Green
  • Improve the mix of housing types without significantly reducing the overall number of units
  • Provide some gardens for residents and improve open spaces
  • Redress the balance between the public and private sectors
  • Create tenant management arrangements
  • In addition, the Urban Framework Plan also seeks to improve pedestrian and transport links and to bring back into use a number of historic buildings including Devonport Market Building and the Ropery Spinning House.

    Health & Community Safety
    Current Health Service Structure
    South & West Devon Health Authority is responsible for assessing the health needs of the population of Plymouth. Working with the Authority to improve the health of local people is Plymouth Primary Care Group. Plymouth Primary Care Group is split into 3 Local Care Groups; Riverside, Tamar and Waterfront -the NDC area is in the latter. Plymouth Primary Care Group works in close partnership with a variety of NHS service providers including Plymouth Community Services NHS Trust, Plymouth Hospital Services NHS Trust and Westcountry Ambulance Services Trust.

    In addition to the existing structure, Plymouth has also been designated a Health Action Zone (PHAZ). PHAZ is a partnership of local 0rganisations committed to reducing health inequalities and to improve health and social care in the City. The PHAZ will run for a total of 7 years with a pledge of £1 million extra government cash each year.

    Future Developments
    In 2001 the Primary Care Group will attain Trust status, it will replace South & West Devon Health Authority, and take direct control of funding the majority of services in Plymouth. The new Trust will take responsibility for Plymouth's 156 GP practices and all its community health services. The body currently responsible for these facilities, Plymouth Community Services NHS Trust will be dissolved upon transfer to the new Trust. In addition, there are plans to provide a large NHS dental practice in Stonehouse, which is about one mile outside the NDC area.

    Current Service Provision
    The majority of medical services in the NDC area are located at the Cumberland Centre. Plymouth Community Services NHS Trust and Plymouth Hospital Services NHS Trust provide the following services

    A. Plymouth Community Services NHS Trust
    District Nursing
    Health Visiting
    Minor injuries unit
    Dental services
    Podiatry services
    Speech and language
    Macmillan Nurses
    Specialist Nurses for continence and tissue viability
    SAFE (Sexual Health Services)

    B. Plymouth Hospital Services NHS Trust
    Out patients service
    Pain Management

    In addition to the services provided by the two Trusts, the NDC area also has 2 GP's, one of which is based at the Cumberland Centre, and a NHS dentist. The NDC area also benefits from city-wide PHAZ initiatives which include:-

    City Health Action Plan
    Community & Voluntary Sector Development
    Tackling the Health Consequences of Social Exclusion
    Environment & Health
    Evaluation & Research
    Improving Primary Care
    Improving Oral Health

    Improving the Health of Children & Young People
    Improve the Health of Older People
    Improving Mental Health
    Tackling Problems of Substance Misuse
    Improving the health of People with Learning Difficulties

    Social care is provided through Plymouth City Council Social Services through 2 key areas.

    A. Community Care
    Residential and day care for elderly people
    Assessment of people with learning disabilities
    Assessment of people with physical and sensory disabilities
    People with HIV and Aids
    Assessment of people with substance misuse

    B. Children & Families
    Monitoring and regulation of children and adult care
    Child protection and investigation
    Assessment of children and families in need
    Residential, fostering and adoptive care of children and young people
    Day care for children

    Social Services provides day care facilities for the elderly at Granby Way Community Centre. However, the centre is currently under threat of closure. In addition to Social Services provided by Plymouth City Council, the Salvation Army provided a range of Social Services from their premises in Devonport House. Devonport House provides accommodation for 60 men who are homeless. Facilities include:
    25 rooms to support elderly clients
    23 direct access rooms
    12 lifeskills training rooms

    Most activities are managed through Plymouth City Council Community Leisure and Learning with the exception of Parks & Amenities, which is managed bya large number of city-wide fund holding bodies. Heritage and Leisure provide a Community Recreation Team which undertakes a variety of activities in the area including:-

    Social Games Club at Welcome Hall
    Holiday Playschemes at Parkside School
    Assistant to Pembroke St Youth Club
    Play Work -Provision of a Play Development Officer.

    In addition to their recreation activities, Community Leisure and Learning also provide a Library facility at Devonport Guildhall. Plymouth Museum, which is situated in the City Centre, provides an outreach worker to support the Devonport History Project. The museum also holds, and cares for, collections relating to Devonport. The Museum intends to begin an intergenerational oral history project in the area. This aims to collect and record local memory on the subject of working life 1920-2000.

    Police Presence
    Devon and Cornwall Police has 2 main aims: crime prevention and crime detection. The Police have a total of 30 PC's and two Inspectors working in St Peter and Key ham Wards. In addition, response officers are called upon when needed. The Police lease one office in the NDC area at Marlborough Street and another office is located in Stonehouse on the NDC margins.

    Rehabilitation of offenders
    The Probation Service offers a range of resources which are available to offenders in the NDC area, including fast track treatment of drug misusing offenders, and through a range of Partnership Agencies deals with employ-ment, accommodation, drug abuse, sexual offending and domestic violence.

    The Probation Service has 3 offices in plymouth:-
    Gibbon Lane (City Centre) -includes probation centre for Plymouth and a Youth Justice Team
    Paradise Place Oust outside the NDC area) -approved bail hostel.
    Crownhill -Community Development Team

    Plymouth Youth Offending Team (YOT) is a multi-agency team, which has access to specialist workers from Education, Health, Careers as well as Police, Probation and Social Services. The YOT currently has no specific brief in the NDC area however, there is scope for active involvement in a number of projects.

    Drug problems in Plymouth have been managed by the Drugs Action Team (DAT), which was set up to cover the South & West Devon Health Authority district. However, anew DAT is being set up to target drug abuse and related problems in Plymouth. Whilst the new DAT has no specific remit with regard to the NDC area, it does have the flexibility to respond to identified needs in any area.

    Health/Community Opportunities and Potential in the Neighbourhood and Surrounding Area
    The key to improving people's health in Devonport is healthy living. Granby Island Community Centre currently runs a course that teaches adults how to cook cheaply and healthily. In neighbouring Key ham, the Keyham Green Places project is redeveloping under-used allotment sites to provide a community garden, market garden and resource centre .

    Devonport has abundant green spaces to replicate the Keyham project, for people to relax and to provide space for play. Unfortunately, the majority of our parkland is poorly maintained and lacks formal sporting amenities.

    There is potential to develop existing sporting activities in the area. An outdoor pool has recently been refurbished at Mount Wise and has proved extremely popular with local people. Future proposals include improving existing athletic facilities at Brickfields to include; improved athletics facilities, a synthetic pitch, floodlighting, an indoor sports hall and fitness provision.

    Cultural Plan
    The Cultural Plan is a key element of our programme, providing a framework of projects and activities which contribute to all the themes of the Delivery Plan. It builds upon the success of previous arts, sports and cultural activities, in particular those initiated through the Greenlink Project. The Cultural Plan provides an overarching context of community skill and capacity building, which we believe will support progress in delivering NDC projects in all theme areas and thus provides a mechanism for sustainability beyond the life of the New Deal programme. It draws on the recommendations of the report by PAT 10 to the Social Exclusion Unit.

    The Cultural Plan Vision recognises cultural activity as a vital source of creative energy for regeneration, helping local people realise their potential as individuals and enabling the community to develop new skills and confidence in determining their future. We define culture broadly to include arts, media, sport, recreation, heritage and tourism. The aim is to create a community with an active interest and involvement in regeneration and with the skills and confidence to play an active role in shaping and influencing the process of change.

    The Cultural Plan has the following objectives:
    To develop skills and self confidence within members of the local community
    To release creative energy
    To establish a sense of local pride
    To promote a sense of community well-being
    To produce health gains in the local community
    To encourage local people to seek training and employment in cultural industries
    To celebrate the strengths of Devonport
    To change the image of Devonport

    Reducing crime
    Over the last three years levels of crime have fallen in the NDC area. Much of this success must be attributed to the partnership approach to reducing crime in Plymouth. The 1998 Crime and Disorder Act required that Local Authorities and Police Forces form partnerships to reduce crime and disorder in those areas. In 1998, Plymouth Community Safety Partnership was launched. The Partnership consists of representatives from all key agencies in the city who have an interest in Community Safety including Plymouth City Council. In 1998 the Partnership published a Crime and Disorder Audit which demonstrated that reported crime in Plymouth had fallen by 17% in the 3 years 1995-1998. Plymouth Community Safety Partnership have subsequently become active partners in Devonport New Deal for Communities bid by taking a lead role in focus group meetings.

    Young People
    Youth Facilities
    Young people are unhappy with the facilities in their area. The Household Survey revealed that only 9% of respondents believed youth club provision was good whilst 22% feel the provision is poor. In addition, 41% of respondents believed that sports facility provision was also poor. Current facilities for young people are based around a series of Youth Clubs including Pembroke Street Youth Club and Granby Island Youth Club. Typical activities include; football, table tennis, computer games, pool and crafts. In addition, Youth Afloat, a project, which is run from the Routeways Centre, offers local young people the opportunity to take part in a range of education and training opportunities.

    Advice for Young People
    A number of organisations currently support young people in the Devonport area, including the Devonport Project and the Mount Wise Youth and Community Project which provides drop-in and outreach work to address health and drugs issues. In addition, Twelve's Company provides an After School Club for 8 to 16 year olds.

    Young People - Opportunities and Potential in the Neighbourhood and Surrounding Area
    It is apparent that Devonport currently lacks facilities for young people. Furthermore, facilities and advice are fragmented and unco-ordinated. However, a vision for the future for young people in Devonport has slowly emerged from work carried out in the Youth Focus Group and through the range of exhibitions specifically targeted at young people. Several organisations including the Devonport Project and the Mount Wise Community Project are involved in formulating a Youth Strategy for the area. Young people have become increasingly involved through putting forward ideas to make Devonport a better place for young people. It also envisaged that a Youth Forum will be established to allow young people to have an equal say in how Devonport will be shaped in the future.

    Community Activities
    The focus for community activity in Devonport surrounds the 4 Community Centres, Welcome Hall, Granby Island, Mount Wise Neighbourhood Centre and Pottery Quay. They provide a range of services for all age groups including educational, social and advice. For example, Mount Wise Neighbourhood Centre activities include bingo, basic skills courses, counselling and first aid courses. Whilst the current Neighbourhood Centres provide tremendous support to residents it does so from cramped buildings with inadequate facilities.

    Opportunities and potential in the neighbourhood and the surrounding area
    Growing Keeness to participate
    Whilst the involvement of residents in their neighbourhood has been generally low, involvement in NDC activities including Focus Groups, public meetings, exhibitions and events has steadily increased. The Household Survey indicated that nearly 10% of households had actively participated in
    New Deal for Communities.

    Capacity Building
    Opportunities to build capacity and equip residents with the skills to take part in their neighbourhood, including a greater leadership role, will be available through the NDC scheme. It is vital that the NDC Partnership further engages specific groups, such as young people, those from ethnic minority communities and disabled and housebound people to ensure that they have a voice in the decision making process

    Community Support
    In addition to community facilities provided in the area a number of organisations provide support from outside the area:-

  • Co- Active -Co-Active is a Co-operative Development Agency, which aims to develop the social economies of local communities throughout the City.
  • Plymouth Community Partnership -a City-wide charity that works in the Devonport area by invitation from community and voluntary groups. Work includes funding, constitutional and community management advice, workshops and setting up Local Social Capital panels.
  • Keyham Community Partnership (KCP) -has assisted a number of local organisations with funding support including Granby Island Community Centre. KCP also provides a range of learning and advice services through its offices, all of which are accessible to local people. In addition, KCP have been an active partner in supporting Devonport for NDC funding.
  • Public Sector Spending in the Neighbourhood
    An analysis has been carried out of the spend by the organisations providing services in Devonport. The following table summarises the spend. Programme Outcomes
    Program Outcomes Outcome of Spend Spend on people in the NDC Neighbourhood 2000/2001
    Democratic Involvement Councillors expenses, members facilitiesand cost of administration £23,000
    Community Support Community Centres, Youth Clubs, childcare, advice £804,000
    Education in, schools Primary, Secondary Education £2,243,000
    Education Action Zone Additional support to LEA £187,975
    Further Education Post 16 education opportunities £397,000
    Jobs and Training A range of employment initiatives includingWelfare to Work Programmes £2,499,000
    Employment Zone A dedicated Action Team Consultant isoperating in the NDC area, working withHAZ on mental health issues £30,000
    Benefits Payment of a range of benefits including:-
    .Income Support
    .Job Seekers Allowance
    .Retirement Pension
    .Incapacity Benefit
    .Working Families Tax Credit
    .Housing Benefit
    .Council Tax Benefit
    Crime & Community Safety Police, Fire Trading Standards, Environmental Health £1,545,000
    Primary Health Services provided by Plymouth CommunityServices NHS Trust and Plymouth HospitalServicesNHS Trust and Waterfront PrimaryCare Group £7,900,000
    Health ActionZone Additional support to health providers £21 881
    Social Services Social Service provision in the NDC area is divided into 2 key areas Community Care Children & Families £1,245,463
    Leisure Leisure activities,
    sports & recreation,
    Arts projects,
    play work,
    Housing Provision, repair and management of Council and Housing Association stock £2 362 000
    Physical Environment Direct Services
    street cleaning,
    refuse collection,
    grounds maintenance,
    Transport -parking, planning policy, public transport traffic management
    Total Revenue Spend £42,719,467
    Capital Projects Facelifts, Housing improvements andUrban Village £2,648,000
    Total Spend £45,367,467

    Summary of Service Delivery
    Devonport is the recipient of a large amount of funds from the public purse. However, there is strong evidence from the residents survey and other consultations with residents that much needs to be done to reshape services to make them more effective in helping to tackle social exclusion and the linked cycle of deprivation in Devonport. The key issues are:-

    - Insufficient/inadequate service prioritisation particularly in the areas of environmental services, maintenance of green spaces/play areas and housing services.

    - Information about public services is difficult to access, uncoordinated and confusing

    - Services are felt to be incoherent, fragmented and working in isolation of one another with key vulnerable groups falling through the net for example advice, support and guidance for young people and the unemployed.

    - Confusion about who does what with apparently simple problems requiring complex solutions due to the fact that lines of responsibility and communication are unclear

    - Different ways of working by agencies which impact on joined solutions

    The strategic approach is to build community capacity for purpose, build practical mechanisms for local accountability and develop community leadership throughout the course of the NDC programme.

    3. Strategic Linkages

    It is important to be clear about how the New Deal for Communities programme and the proposed programme of activity that emerges from it links to the framework of local, regional and national policies and programmes. A key challenge facing the NDC programme will be to shape the design and delivery of national programmes to meet local needs and aspirations and to use mainstream budgets to more effectively deliver services. The NDC programme will add value to existing initiatives and work with the grain of such programmes.

    National Policy
    The bid closely reflects the priorities of the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal in particular in respect of the measures designed to address social exclusion and build the capacity of local communities. As has been explained the involvement of local people in designing the programme and as part of the delivery is central to this bid. It involves, more specifically, the transfer of assets to the local community and the development of models for community governance. It supports credit unions and links between communities and local businesses. The Healthy Living Centre and Access to Learning coupled with improvement of existing community facilities enables a focus on the use and greater accessibility to ICT. It also develops new and innovative ways of helping people back into learning, training and jobs (eg through Intermediate Labour Market initiatives)

    Pathfinder Strategy
    In October 1999 Plymouth 2020 Partnership published its Pathfinder Strategy and Action Plan. This is considered to be the key strategic document for regeneration in the City. It has been endorsed by the City Council and by 18 other key partners. Plymouth 2020 Partnership intends to become a formally accredited Local Strategic Partnership and plans to adopt the Pathfinder Strategy to become the Plymouth Community Plan. The NDC initiative clearly represents a major strand of the regeneration activity in the city and will complement and interact with other regeneration activity in Plymouth. The Pathfinder Strategy and Action Plan identifies Devonport as one of five priority neighbourhood initiatives in Plymouth.

    Urban Village
    The Urban Village Study, which is funded jointly by South West Regional Development Agency and Plymouth City Council, and supported by the Princes Foundation, has created an Urban Framework Plan for the area. The Plan overlaps considerably with the aspirations of NDC and complements the emphasis on Social Exclusion. The Urban Village boundaries are identical to those of the NDC bid area; these two key initiatives are merged under the direction of the Devonport Regeneration Company.

    Lifelong Learning
    Raising educational standards is the Government's number one priority and it has set out a formidable agenda for change. Plymouth's Local Education Authority's strategic framework 'A Vision for Success' aims to achieve Government targets by providing educational leadership and high quality services aimed at raising the achievement of all learners in partnership with schools, communities and other organisations.

    The policy and programmes set out within the plan provide a clear framework for LEA and Learning Partnerships in raising standards through target setting. The programme has seven work areas:- Work areas

    Work Areas Key Targets For 2002
    Support school. 80% of 11 year olds reaching level self-improvement 4 or above in literacy
    .75% of 11 year olds reaching level 4 in numeracy
    .48.5% of 16 year olds achieving 5 high grades GCSE's or equivalent
    Promoting social inclusion All schools achieving at least 90% attendance rates
    Ensuring the provision of quality services Meet LEA Citizens Charter targets
    Promoting community To increase adult participation by at learning least 5%
    Contribute to City improvement To develop a local framework to support the teaching of citizenship in schools
    Investing in early intervention 66% of all three year olds to receive nursery education
    Investing in people To adopt Investors in People Principles

    The NDC programme builds on the strategic framework, thereby ensuring that its objectives are not only fulfilled, but will employ its development process to set challenging attainment targets annually particularly for all local schools demonstrating the impact of the added investment. In addition, the NDC programme wishes to maintain work carried out by the Education Action Zone by rolling out the current programme.

    Development and implementation of the current Health Improvement Programme has passed from S&WHA to Plymouth Primary Care Group (soon to be Plymouth Primary Care Trust). The current Health Improvement Programme (HimP) for Plymouth is concentrated on the four priority areas identified in 'Saving Lives, Our Healthier Nation', circulatory disease, cancer mental health and accidents. They also include plans to tackle other priority areas such as teenage pregnancy, substance misuse, promoting the independence of older people and children's welfare amongst others. Plymouth has the added benefit of being a Health Action Zone (PHAZ), which will tackle health inequalities in the city, modernise the care system and develop partnership. PHAZ currently has 12 programmes of work and 67 projects, which compliment the objects of the HimP.

    The objectives of the HimP and the work of PHAZ has been embraced by Devonport People's Dreams providing a strategic framework for project development. Strategically, the NDC programme will add value to both the HimP and the PHAZ. Support has already been given for the development of a Healthy Living Centre, which addresses many of the priority areas identified in the HlmP. In addition, PHAZ are also very much involved in development of the social exclusion and capacity building agendas in Plymouth, two issues which are at the heart of developing Devonport.

    Plymouth SRB Partnership Ltd
    Plymouth 2020 Partnership has co-ordinated six successive bids for SRB funding. As a result, Plymouth now runs the 15th largest SRB programme in the country through the Plymouth SRB Partnership Ltd. Targeting of SRB funds has reflected the strategy developed several years ago, which identified areas of greatest need (or deprivation) and matched these with significant opportunities for addressing these needs. The areas of ., rl "\ ~ , --- greatest need in Plymouth are the inner city wards of St Peter, Key ham and Sutton (the NDC area sits within the former two) and a number of wards in North -West Plymouth. Successive rounds of SRB share similar goals and objectives to the NDC Plan. Therefore, while there is a focus on economic regeneration sche mes, housing renewal, environmental improvements and improvements to health, leisure, educational, cultural and other community activities are also included. Considerable emphasis is also placed on the involvement of local communities as promoters and implementers of initiatives, thereby achieving true partnership.

    There is also potential for the NDC to seek good practice from the SRB Company in terms of monitoring and evaluation of activities and initiatives.

    European programmes
    Devonport is part of the South West of England Objective 2 area and has benefited in the past from the Plymouth Objective 2 areas 1994-96 and 1997 - 99 through which funds are still being drawn down. Clients in Devonport have also benefited from the participation in Objective 3 schemes. The new Objective 2 programme when it comes into operation fits well in terms of timescale with this Plan, 2000 -2006. Its priorities are also likely to be reflected in the plan in relation to SME Development, a Better Future for Traditional Economies and Neighbourhood Renewal. In this respect St Peter and Key ham are two of eight Plymouth wards which qualify for 70% of the funds under community regeneration measures.

    The growth of enterprise is a key element of the bid, in particular through the local economy and the social economy. Wolseley and Millfields Community Economic Development Trusts are to assist in the development of community business units in the NDC area. Furthermore, the Trusts are democratically managed and could provide assistance with the setting up and operation of a Regeneration Company for the NDC area and practical experience of capacity building whereby local people gain the skills and confidence to manage sustainable regeneration initiatives. In terms of business support, venture capital schemes such as Plymouth Small IBusiness Fund and the SME Consultancy Support Scheme will add value to the proposed Support for Small Businesses Fund. The NDC will also benefit from the expertise of organisations such as Co-Active and Enterprise Plymouth and the emerging Business Support Strategy for Plymouth, which will provide a clear framework within which all business support organisations can operate including PROSPER, Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and Industry and IPlymouth City Council. Furthermore, the new Small Business Service provided through PROSPER will provide additional support for small business in the area.

    The current Crime and Disorder Strategy identifies 5 priority areas for its current programme 1999-2002:-
    - Domestic violence
    - Auto crime
    - Crime committed by and against young people
    - Domestic burglary
    - Violence in public places

    These are all identified in the Crime Reduction Strategy ( 1999/2002) which consists of a Matrix of Action Plans devised by partners to achieve the strategic aim of reducing crime and fear of crime in the city of Plymouth. The Crime Audit also identified five themes that could effect any Crime and Disorder category. These themes, therefore, are a key part of all Action Plans:-
    1 .Drugs and alcohol
    2. Fear of crime
    3. Minority ethnic groups
    4. Minority groups
    5. Under reporting of crime and disorder

    The NDC programme complements the current strategy with projects that address domestic violence, preventative burglary measures and reducing the level of crime committed by and against young people.

    Chapters ...
    1. Forward, Summary; Vision
    2. Devonport - Our neighbourhood
    3. Devonport - The Present
    4. Devonport - The Future
    5. Devonport - The Plans
    6. The Forward Strategy
    7. How the Plan will be Delivered